
Showing posts from May, 2020

Google Dork

Google Dorks: "good answers come from good questions" The efficient way of asking question about the website  in the  google search engine is called google dorks it is also known as the google hacking database. we can use google dorks for our needs like searching needed content among the internet like movies,documents,etc. some dorks: indexof="movies" It results the website which are al having the index name as movies. inurl:sitename filetype:pdf  It results the extract particular file type among the website, the types are pdf,jpeg,mp4,iso,etc.  Google hacking database: these dorks are listed in  google hacking database Is Google Dorking illegal? Google Dorking an illegal activity; however, some people use it to access search results for illegal purposes like identity theft, cyberterrorism, and industrial espionage.


Gobuster     Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force URI's (Uniform Resource Identifier) (directories and files) in web sites.  It is used to enumerate the directories in the given path of the site using the wordlist. Result is shown in the status code like 200,403,301,etc. similar tools  dirbuster which is builtin tool in   kali linux.  Command : gobuster dir -u http://websitename/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt websitename:  we can use the IP address with port number or site name. git-hub : gobuster